Parkinson's Disease is a progressive neurological disease. It is being diagnosed with increased frequency and research has identified seven markers, some prevalent in Ashkenazic Jews. Most medical professionals will tell us that people don't die from Parkinson's but rather they die with Parkinson's. Education for the person with Parkinson's, their caregiver and family is the key to coping with this disease.
Sun. January 19 10:30am in Multipurpose Room
People can ”Live Well” with Parkinson’s and new treatments are under development. A support group gives you the chance to compare notes and everyone benefits. Our discussions, along with outside speakers, include topics on medication, treatments, finances, family, travel, etc.
Joan and I would love to add a computer literate person to our planning team. Please contact Gloria. We are looking to add more neurodegenerative diseases and possibly other Valencia’s to our group.
Our next meeting is January 19 2025 at 10:30am-12 . Future meeting dates are: February 9, March 9, and April 20. Meetings will be in-person at the Valencia Shores Clubhouse.
More information can be found at:Valencia Shores’s website: Parkinsons Support (vshores.org) (Valencia Shores only)
Our Facebook Page: Valencia Shores Parkinson Support | Facebook
My Parkinson’s Support Page www.pdsupportgroup.com
If you have been told by a doctor that you have Parkinson’s please contact Joan or Gloria to help you navigate through the options.
For more information call Joan Teitelbaum at 561-966-1510 or Gloria Friedman at 607-731-4967